Saturday, October 13, 2012

Spring cleaning

I love pinning home decor photos on Pinterest and see how one organizes their work space. And since I have a week off of work, I got myself into work mode to spring clean my room and bathroom. I'm not a hoarder, but I do have a lot of unnecessary clutter that I really need to either donate to charities, or ditch them.

Source - The Glitter Guide

If you have a lot photo frames around (I have 7 of them on my bookshelf!), you could either - 
1. find wrapping paper in my storeroom
2. download pretty pictures off the Internet
3. frame up your doodles, or any words of encouragement you've drawn
4. cut gorgeous photos of scenery or your role models off magazines (I have a Victoria's Secret mag, but I don't think I'll want to ruin it at the moment :)

Source - The Glitter Guide
It has never crossed my mind that photo frames can be displayed on bookshelves too. If you do not have enough room on your desk, this is another option.

Source - The Glitter Guide
Avoid cluttering your desk! It should have the essentials only - like your computer/laptop, one or two decorations, your table/study lamp, a few books and your stationery.

The main point is to keep everything tidy, and here are some pointers for you (and me!)

1. You don't have to throw everything out because it could come in handy - like the photo frames! 

2. Donate items like clothes that don't fit you anymore, or re-use it. Here, we re-use old towels to wipe tables, clean items, dry our dog etc

3. Throw out items that you (and no one else) can use anymore. Avoid clutter!

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